Thursday, June 7, 2007

Time For some Animation

                                 Many say that animation movies are made for childrens but I dont think so. Nowadays anyone can watch animation movies initially the directors focussed more on childrens than adults but now they focus on all. So I decided to write about some of the animatoin movies which I like.
                                 Monsters.Inc is the first one, this is a story about an employee of Monsters.Inc [ monster in monster world ]. Monsters.Inc is a firm which produces energy from children's scream. The monsters from monster world enter into our world [ human world ] and they scare the children and store the scream's and produce energy from it. Accidently a child enters into the monster's world and the remaining story is how the top scarer Boo saves the child from others and return it to human world. There is another twist that you will get know when you watch the movie. This film has some nice comedies and emotions so don't miss this one.
                                 Next comes the family of superheroes, The Incredibles. In this, A boy inspired by a superhero tries to become a superhero assistant, but the superhero ignores him, so he becomes evil and decides to take revenge thus he becomes a superhero by using high-tech machines. He destroyes all the superheroes one by one and when the turn comes for the superhero he identifies his real intentions and accidently the heroes family comes in search of the hero and everyone is traped by the villian in the remote island. Thus the remaining story is how the family destroys the cunning villian. This is a nice family story ie everyone in Incredibles family have a nice part to play so thus it is a nice family story.
                                  Ice Age comes next this is a story of three animals which tries to save a child and return it to its family. There are many twists and turns in the story. The screenplay and animation are simply superb. This movie has three heroes and one does comedy too, but the bad thing is that there is no heroine.
                                   There are many good movies I will update you, these three are the best animation movie that I have ever seen

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Real Stories

                                Recently I watched Gridiron Gang and Freedom Writers. There is a similarity between these two movies that is both are made from real story.

                                In Gridiron Gang, Rock Johnson plays the role of Sean Porter who tries to change the life of Teenagers at a juvenile detention center by creating a football team. Under Sean Porter's juvenile detention center there were many kidsand they belongs to different gangs, they fight between them for their gangs. So Sean Porter decides to create a football team to develop self esteem between those kids and the remaining part of the story is that how they succeed.

                                In Freedom Writers, Hilary Swank plays as Erin Gruwell who inspires her class students to understand the pain of gangwar and sufferings due to other gangs. She joins as a teacher for juniors in some high school then she understands that her students are not interested in studies but they are forced to do so. She also understands that her students are more involved in gang than studies. So she takes several steps to move them out of gangs. The remaining story is that how she succeeds her thoughts.

                                The main things to be noted in these two movies are that they are made from real story. If you watch them as ordinary movie you will be not attracted so much but if you look in another view I bet you, that won't dislike the movie.I was stunned after seeing these movies it was a great achievement by Sean Porter and Erin Gruwell. At the end of these movie the real Sean Porter and Erin Gruwell will be shown along with their team.

                                Gridiron Gang and Freedom Writer both should be watched for the achievements of Sean Porter and Erin Gruwell. Never miss these movies if you get an chance to watch them.

The Summer Sequels

                    A lot of sequels has been made in this summer some of it are pirates, spiderman, fantastic four, ocean thirteen, shrek...,. Already alot of it are released. Pirates, spidey, shrek are in theatre and many are ready for release .

                    Spidey didn't do expected business in India though it had a great opening. Many were not attracted by spidey. Though it was a superhero movie, in spidey 3 the sentiments were given more importants than superhero thus it doesnot match the normal superhero formula. But already Columbia pictures hold the rights for upto spidey 6. So there will be more action coming for the fans.

                    Pirates and shrek was released only this week both had a nice opening but the trend may not continue till end. The first and second part of both the movies did a nice business. I think third will also do well. In Pirates there is a lot of action and adventure coming this time.In Shrek it is time to rule the kingdom with his donkey and puss in the boots

                    Ocean thirteen is scheduled to be released on june 15, this is the end of Ocean's sequel I think there will be lot in this movie than its predecessors. George Clooney comes back with his men for the last steal. This time the thieves will have a lot do along with great planning.

                    Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer is also scheduled to be released on june 15, in this Silver Surfer comes to power and the heroes is going to fight against him, let see the action when it comes out.

                     In these sequels, let see which is going to be the summer blockbuster.

Nascar season

                       Recently I saw Ta ra rum pum it is so similar to Talladega Nights except that it contains more of indian flavour ,both the stories revolve around NASCAR racing [NASCAR racing hero]. Actually both the heroes starts as a crew member in a NASCAR team

                       I think Tara ru pum may be inspired by Talladega Nights because Talladega Nights was released in later 2006 but tara rum pum is released now.

                       In both the stories the hero will start as a crew member and by chance he race for a team then he tops the board and then he becomes undefeated. After a while an opponent comes in to defeat the hero  then the hero goes into an accident by the time he recover all his career success vanishes and thus his life will become ruined ,the comeback of the hero and winiing the villian is the climax in both the movies .This is the core story by which both the movies go around.

                       Ta ra rum pum is more sentimental than Talladega Nights [ main reason behind this is that it is an India movie consisting of mix for most Indians ]. Talladega Nights has some nice comedy .

                       In tara rum pum the story moves around the saif's family ( RV in the movie ) with wife rani and a son and a daughter whereas in Talladega Nights the story revolves around Will Ferrell I think both the movies share a same story, in two diffrent ways ie one in comedical sense and another in sentimental sense . In both the movies there is a friend who helps the hero, in Talladega Nights John C. Reilly plays as a friend who helps him in winning the races and in ta ra rum pum Jaaved Jaffrey plays as a friend who helps saif by lending his taxi and will do much more.